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Copper-powered smart cities - the role of copper in the development of smart cities, including energy and communication infrastructure

Copper-powered smart cities

Modern technologies and innovative solutions have dominated the world, significantly improving our everyday comfort.

Nowadays, they are also being used to build smart cities that aim to provide maximum convenience for their inhabitants. Due to its unique properties, copper plays an important role in the development of urban areas, being an indispensable element of the energy and communication infrastructure. What is it used for and what is its significance in the context of the smart city?

Smart city

Smart city - what is it?

Before we focus on the role of copper, however, it is worth first explaining what a smart city actually is.  In a nutshell, it is an urban planning concept that involves the use of modern communication and information technologies to improve the quality of life of citizens and better manage resources in urban areas.

Smart cities use a variety of data, automation and innovative solutions to meet people's needs in an efficient and sustainable way. Key features of smart cities include:

  • the use of renewable energy sources, thereby reducing CO2 emissions;
  • the use of advanced technological infrastructure, including the Internet of Things (IoT) or data management systems, to obtain valuable information on, for example, energy consumption, traffic or air quality;
  • development of sustainable transport, i.e. electric vehicles or urban bicycles;
  • smart grids to optimise energy consumption in the city;
  • intelligent water and waste management systems;
  • mobile applications providing access to information about the city and services;
  • urban monitoring systems, based on intelligent surveillance systems.

Examples of smart city solutions include street lighting controlled by traffic sensors, urban noise monitoring, autonomous vehicles or smart meters controlling electricity or water consumption in buildings. Barcelona, Singapore, Seoul and Copenhagen, among others, are perfectly in line with the smart city concept.

Energy infrastructure

The role of copper in building smart cities

Copper plays a key role in the construction and development of smart cities of the future, due to its unique electrical and thermal conductivity properties. These make it an indispensable material in many infrastructures and technologies today. Its applications cover a wide range of systems, from energy transmission and storage to advanced control systems and energy consumption monitoring. Here are the most common examples of the use of copper in smart cities.

Energy infrastructure

One of the most important properties of copper in the context of smart city and building development is its excellent electrical conductivity, making it ideal for energy distribution systems. The use of copper is crucial in the context of improving the efficiency of energy infrastructure in smart cities, as - thanks to its low resistance - it minimises transmission losses in networks.

Smart grids are the lifeblood of smart cities. They use copper cables to transmit energy with minimal losses, resulting in greater system efficiency and reliability. Electric vehicle charging stations, crucial for green transport, also rely on copper cables and connectors to guarantee fast and safe charging.

Communication infrastructure

Renewable energy sources

Copper components are also used in renewable energy solutions, such as inverters for photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. Their durability and ability to conduct energy make the integration of renewable energy sources into the municipal energy infrastructure smooth.

Communication infrastructure

Copper is also used in telecommunications cables, enabling the delivery of high-speed internet, for example. It is also used in components of devices supporting next-generation networks (5G) and enables the development of the aforementioned Internet of Things.  Today's video surveillance systems, intelligent traffic lights and traffic management centres rely on reliable copper conductors.

Sustainable transport

Copper's properties make it supportive of electromobility. It is used in electric motors, batteries, cables or charging infrastructure, and its high conductivity makes vehicles much more energy efficient.

Furthermore, copper is an important component in the power and control systems of trams, buses or electric trains, which are increasingly appearing in smart cities.

Development of IoT technology

Water and energy management

Pipes made of copper are used in water and sewerage infrastructure due to their corrosion resistance and above-average durability. Copper is also relied upon for batteries and energy storage technologies, so it supports the stability of power grids.

Development of IoT technology

Copper supports IoT devices, which are now at the heart of smart cities. It is used in sensors, monitoring or automation systems, so it helps manage traffic, energy consumption and air quality in the smart cities of the future.


Copper's unique properties make it fundamental to the development of smart cities and buildings. Also noteworthy is the fact that the surfaces created using it have antibacterial properties, so it can be widely used in public buildings or hospitals, reducing the spread of disease.

At Electris, we support the development of smart cities by offering dedicated, custom-made copper components for use in energy and communications infrastructure. Please feel free to contact us for a customised offer and to order products based on the individual needs of each customer. Write us on

FAQ – Copper-powered smart cities - the role of copper in the development of smart cities

Smart city – what is it?
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