The most advanced electroplating facility in this part of Europe

Aluminium & Copper Waterjet Cutting Services

At Electris we provide metal watercutting services with water jet machines.

Water jet cutting

We provide cutting of sheet copper and aluminium by water jet machines.

Water jet cutting is the process of cutting flat materials using an extremely high-pressure jet. This treatment allows you to cut elements of various sizes with a mixture of water and fine-grained abrasive material. Depending on the nozzle used and the entire mixture supply system, water jet cutting allows the processing of metal elements up to 150 mm thick.

cutting of sheet copper and aluminium by water jet processing

Benefits of Water-Jet metal cutting service in Electris:

  • High cutting precision.
  • Highly efficient and effective cutting process for thick materials.
  • High quality of cut edges.
  • Any cut geometry can then be machined.

We will turn your concept into a finished product, complete with the right documentation.

FAQ – Water jet cutting

What is Water Jet Cutting?
How much does Water Jet Cutting cost?
Is Water Jet Cutting cheaper than Fiber Laser Cutting?
What are the advantages of Water Jet Metal Cutting?

We would be happy to
discuss your needs.

Write to us so that we can prepare
a dedicated proposal for you. Ask for a quote.

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