The most advanced electroplating facility in this part of Europe

Copper and Aluminium in the Service of Sustainable Development

For years, Electris has specialized in the production of components and parts made from copper and aluminium, which we supply to some of the world's largest corporations.

These metals are not only valued for their exceptional properties, which allow for the creation of highly durable components useful across various industries, but they are also considered eco-friendly materials of the future. But why is this the case, and what role do copper and aluminium play in the concept of sustainable development?

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development is a concept that aims for balanced social, economic, and environmental growth, ensuring that while we meet the needs of the present population, we do not jeopardise the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Key aspects that allow for the achievement of this goal include:

  • Recycling: The idea of sustainable development can be summarised in three words: recover, recycle, and reuse. This approach reduces the consumption of natural resources and limits waste production.
  • Energy Efficiency: The essence of sustainable development lies in optimising energy use in buildings, transport, and production processes, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Use of Renewable Energy Sources: This primarily refers to solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric energy, which are inexhaustible and have a lesser environmental impact than fossil fuels.

In practice, sustainable development is crucial for protecting the planet, improving the quality of life, and combating inequality.

Copper and Aluminium: Essential to Sustainable Development

Copper and aluminium, which we at Electris use to manufacture a variety of components, align perfectly with the principles of sustainable development. But why?


The exceptional properties of copper have been recognised since ancient times, and today, "red gold" plays a significant role in many areas of our lives. Durability, malleability, energy efficiency, and high electrical conductivity make this metal indispensable in producing various components, including those used in renewable energy and e-mobility sectors. Copper is utilised in:

  • Wind Turbines: Where it is an essential element of generators and transformers;
  • Hydroelectric Generators, Heat Pumps, and Energy Storage Systems;
  • Electric Vehicle Motors and Batteries: Which are a cornerstone of sustainable development;
  • Photovoltaic Panels: Where copper is used in wires, electrical components, and inverters.

Moreover, certain properties of copper, especially its higher electrical conductivity, allow for significant CO2 emission reductions when used in energy systems. Its resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion ensures the reliable operation of various devices, reducing waste.

As a result, the demand for copper continues to grow, making it one of the metals considered as "materials of the future."


Aluminium is another material that aligns with the principles of sustainable development due to several factors:

  • Durability and Lightness: These are among the most important properties of aluminium, ensuring reliability and resource conservation over the long term. Additionally, the lightweight nature of aluminium reduces vehicle mass, leading to lower fuel consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Support for the Renewable Energy Sector: The specific characteristics of aluminium make it widely used in the construction of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, providing invaluable support for the renewable energy sector.
  • Use of Advanced Technologies: The production of aluminium increasingly relies on advanced technologies and renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions and the carbon footprint.
  • Sustainable Construction: Aluminium is widely used in sustainable construction, serving in the production of energy-efficient windows, doors, facades, roofs, and ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Recycling Copper and Aluminium: The Key to Sustainable Development

One of the pillars of sustainable development is the reuse of resources, and as widely known, both copper and aluminium can be recycled.

Copper can be recycled indefinitely. Moreover, it does not lose its properties, including electrical conductivity and resistance to damage and corrosion, making it just as valuable and useful as primary copper. Additionally, recycling copper requires only a fraction of the energy needed for its extraction.

Recycling aluminium allows this metal to be reused multiple times, bringing tangible benefits to the natural environment. Notably, recycling aluminium requires only 5% of the energy needed to produce primary aluminium.

The recycling process of aluminium and copper supports the circular economy model, where materials are reused and waste is minimised. This, along with the widespread use of recycled metals, is key to sustainable development and environmental protection.

Electris is committed to Supporting Sustainable Development!

Sustainable development and the highest environmental standards have been the direction Electris has aimed for since the beginning of its operations.

At Electris, we are well aware of the properties of copper and aluminium, which is why we use them extensively. However, our contribution to achieving sustainable development does not stop with the use of materials of the future.

For years, we have been striving for synergy in all our environmental protection activities. We aim to systematically increase our involvement in various environmental actions year by year. To this end, we:

  • Minimise greenhouse gas emissions and increase the share of renewable energy sources in our daily operations year by year;
  • Use electric vehicles and forklifts and modern energy-efficient LED lighting;
  • Ensure that all new investments, such as building new halls and purchasing technologies and machinery, are carried out with the minimal possible environmental impact;
  • Optimise production processes to avoid harmful noise, wastewater, or excessive waste generation;
  • Return all production waste and unused copper to the copper smelter, where it is melted down and can be reused in the future;
  • Collaborate with companies in the renewable energy and e-mobility sectors, contributing to environmental protection.

Electris also subjects its pro-environmental activities to independent evaluation and participates in the EcoVadis certification. This year, we once again received a bronze medal and a high score, confirming our strong commitment to sustainable development.

For more information about our support for sustainable development, click here.


FAQ – Copper and Aluminium in the Service of Sustainable Development

Why are copper and aluminum called "materials of the future"?
What is the role of copper in renewable energy sources?
Why is aluminum an important material in the context of sustainable development?
Is Electris committed to sustainable development efforts?
How does Electris optimize its production processes?
Are Electris' actions evaluated by independent organizations?
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