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Bus bar and other components lamination - what is it, and what are its advantages?

Bus bar and other components lamination

Bus bars are a very important component of electrical systems in many devices, controls and switchgear.

In order to ensure that they fulfil their purpose 100%, they are subjected to an advanced lamination process, which is one of our company's specialities. What are bus bars and what advantages do laminated bus bars offer? What are bus bars?

laminated bus bars

Bus bars are made from copper and aluminium and are used in the electrical systems of various devices, switchgear and controls. They provide an effective connection between the power source and the load, conducting a current of significant energy.

Bus bars, thanks to their very good electrical conductivity, are used in switchgear, converters, transformers, inverters and control cabinets. They are thus used in a wide range of industries, saving considerable space (compared to equipment connected using traditional wiring), preventing overloads and surges in electrical installations, and allowing electrical conductors to be easily added, removed or relocated without the need for additional cables.

For more detailed information on bus bars, see our article: What are busbars, what are their types, and why are they essential in many devices?

What are laminated bus bars?

In order to explain the advantages of the lamination process in detail, we must first explain what this technology is all about. Laminating is one of the most technologically advanced processes, which is carried out in a special chamber, under pressure and at high temperature. Its purpose is to optimise the electrical performance of a component.

The great importance of bus bar systems in electrical equipment or switchgear systems requires solutions that will fulfil their purpose over the long term and ensure the smooth operation of the installation. In order to achieve this goal and improve the performance and safety of bus bars, they are subjected to a lamination process. Laminated bus bars are precision-engineered components consisting of layers of copper separated by thin dielectric materials, which are then bonded together to form a uniform structure. This ensures that each layer is suitably insulated, keeping conductive elements of different potentials electrically isolated from each other. Laminated bus bars made of copper or aluminium prove their worth wherever a stable current flow is crucial for the proper functioning of systems. We are referring in particular to:

  • energy systems, e.g., transformers, inverters, electrical switchgear or emergency power systems;
  • electronics industry, e.g., UPS systems or power converters;
  • automotive, e.g., electric and hybrid vehicles;
  • renewable energy, e.g., photovoltaic panels, wind turbines or energy storage systems.
Laminated bus bars

Laminated bus bars - key benefits

Laminated copper or aluminium bus bars and other components offer a number of advantages that make them so popular for use in many devices.

  • Greater efficiency in terms of current transmission. Laminating bus bars reduces inductance and impedance and increases capacitance.
  • 2.They provide increased current carrying capacity, which means that they have the ability to conduct higher currents without becoming excessively hot.
  • Have better thermal efficiency. This is a result of the larger surface area, which provides better heat dissipation and thermal radiation. As a result, laminated bus bars are effectively protected from the effects of high temperatures and show greater resistance to overheating.
  • Improve safety. Separating each bus bar layer with an insulating coating reduces the risk of an accidental short circuit, even in the event of a system failure. What's more, the process of laminating bus bars increases their resistance to external factors, including moisture, strong vibrations or dynamic loads.
  • Elimination of wiring errors. The use of laminated bus bars simplifies installation and reduces the risk of incorrect connections. They make integration into different types of systems much easier - especially where available space is limited.
manufacture of laminated components

The role of electrical discharge testing in the manufacture of laminated components

Electrical discharge tests are a very important part of the production of laminated components. They allow the quality of the insulation layer and the overall reliability of the product to be accurately verified. Two key procedures are very often used: high voltage (HV) tests and Partial Discharge (PD) tests. These tests make it possible to detect problems such as:

  • insulation punctures, which can lead to system failure or damage to other electrical components;
  • microcracks in the insulation layers, which can lead to material degradation over time and increase the risk of failure;
  • structural inhomogeneities in the laminate layer, which can affect the electrical and mechanical properties of the bus.

High-voltage (HV) testing involves the application of high voltages (up to 30 kV) to verify that the product can withstand the extreme electrical conditions that can occur in real-world applications. Performing these tests helps to ensure that the laminated bus is adequately protected against the risk of flashover, which could lead to serious failures.

Partial discharge (PD) tests, on the other hand, are used to detect any small, unwanted discharges that may occur within the insulation. Although such discharges may initially be minor, over time they can lead to permanent damage to the insulation, increasing the risk of failure. PD testing allows these problems to be detected at an early stage so that corrective action can be taken and product quality improved.

Laminated bus bars

Laminated bus bars - one of Electris' unique technology

Electris is one of the few companies in Europe to offer a laminated bus bar process. We have equipment that allows us to produce laminated components in a variety of shapes (from small to larger components of 650x800 mm), and thanks to our large production capacity, we are able to fulfil any customer order.

We offer both aluminium and copper lamination, guaranteeing the highest quality products. We carry out the corresponding High Voltage - HV (30 kV) and Partial Discharge (PD) tests, which provide guarantees of product quality).

So feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities of manufacturing dedicated laminated bus bars in aluminium or copper.

FAQ – Bus bar and other components lamination

What are laminated busbars?
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