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Aluminium - indispensable for the medical industry!

The medical sector, where high precision, safety and speed are of paramount importance, requires the use of carefully selected materials.

This includes aluminium, which is used to create reliable equipment that saves the lives of millions of people around the world. What is the reason for this, and what is produced from aluminium for the medical industry?

The unique properties of aluminium

The unique properties of aluminium are the cure for the medical industry

Aluminium is a light, silvery-white metal with the chemical symbol AI and atomic number 13, which is one of the most common elements in the Earth's crust. It is also one of the most widely used materials in medicine, due to several issues.

Of key importance to the medical industry are the specific properties of aluminium. The metal is known for its lightness, mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, non-toxicity and ductility, which is why it is used in the manufacture of reliable tools and equipment used to save lives.

  • Aluminium is three times lighter than steel, making it an ideal metal for the manufacture of convenient and precise tools and medical equipment. Its light weight has a huge impact on the comfort of staff, the transport of equipment, and the daily lives of patients using, for example, lightweight aluminium prostheses.
  • The excellent mechanical properties of aluminium make it the ideal material for creating long-lasting surgical instruments, wheelchair frames or operating tables. What's more, it is characterised by high corrosion resistance, which is of great importance in the medical industry, where hygiene and sterility are absolutely key. It is worth adding that the metal's scratch and wear resistance can be improved by various processes, such as nickel plating of aluminium.
  • Aluminium machining is relatively easy due to the high ductility of this metal. This makes it possible to realise even the most complex and unusual orders for the medical industry.
  • Non-toxicity. Aluminium does not emit harmful substances or fumes and is a biocompatible metal, meaning that it does not cause negative reactions in patients' bodies. It can therefore be used to manufacture surgical instruments, implants and other components that come into direct contact with the human body.
  • Good thermal conductivity. This property makes aluminium useful in equipment that needs to be temperature-controlled (e.g., surgical instruments) or to monitor body temperature.

It is also noteworthy that instruments and devices made of this metal are aesthetically pleasing, which makes it possible to design patient-friendly and confidence-inspiring surgeries or operating theatres.

All this makes the use of aluminium in the medical industry extremely widespread, and the metal contributes to its development and significantly enhances the ability of specialists to protect and save lives.

Is aluminium safe for health

Is aluminium safe for health and the environment?

Yes - especially in the context of the use of aluminium in the medical industry. Firstly, it is biocompatible, causing no negative reactions when in contact with the human body. Secondly, it does not release harmful chemical compounds. Thirdly, it is corrosion-resistant and easy to sterilise, which is crucial in the context of medical applications.

The recyclability of aluminium is also worth mentioning. It is a metal that can be reprocessed many times without losing its original properties. It is therefore safe not only for patients, but also for the environment.

What is aluminium used for in medicine?

The use of aluminium in the medical industry is very wide. Amongst other things, it is used to make:

  • surgical instruments, which, thanks to their lightness and precision, allow even the most complex treatments or operations to be carried out;
  • diagnostic instruments, such as laryngoscopes and ophthalmoscopes, which are lighter and more ergonomic thanks to the use of aluminium;
  • medical furniture and equipment, in the form of wheelchairs, operating tables, hospital beds, walkers, balconies, or dental chairs, which are very strong despite their relatively low weight;
  • prostheses and orthopedic implants that, on the one hand, provide maximum comfort for patients and, on the other, are long-lasting solutions;
  • housings for medical devices, such as defibrillators, ventilators or X-ray machines, where aluminium not only provides high strength but also effective heat dissipation.

Of course, this is not all - the use of aluminium in the medical industry is much wider. It is also used for pharmaceutical packaging, instrument containers and much more.

Aluminium - not only indispensable

Aluminium - not only indispensable in the medical industry!

Aluminium is a metal that is used in a wide range of industries - including electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering and energy. It proves irreplaceable thanks to its durability, lightness and ductility. At Electris, we know this very well, and one of our specialities is aluminium machining. As a result, we are able to offer high-quality components for industry, including aluminium bus bars, connectors, profiles, nuts, sections, connectors, tubes and much more.

We tailor solutions fully to individual customer needs, so feel free to contact us and place an order! Write to us at, and we will prepare a quotation for dedicated aluminium components.

FAQ – Aluminium - indispensable for the medical industry!

Is aluminum safe for health?
What is aluminum used for in medicine?
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